Uszczelniacz R123226
Przykładowe zastosowanie w maszynach:
Serie: 3010
3210, 3210X, 3310, 3310X, 3410, 3410X,
Serie: 5000
5200 (USA 202232-> ), 5300 (Europe) (USA 202232=> ), 5300 (USA) ( 202232-> ), 5300N, 5400 (Europe), 5400 (USA) ( 202232-> ), 5400N (Europe) (USA 202232=> ), 5400N (USA) ( 202232-> ),
Serie: 5003
5103 (AUS), 5103 (INDIA), 5103 (USA), 5103S (Asia), 5203 (Asia), 5203 (AUS), 5203 (INDIA), 5203 (USA), 5303 (AUS), 5303 (Europe), 5303 (MEXICO), 5303 (North Africa), 5303 (South Africa), 5303 (South America), 5303 (TUR), 5303 (USA), 5403 (AUS), 5403 (Brasil), 5403 (Europe), 5403 (North Africa), 5403 (South Africa), 5403 (South America), 5403 (TUR), 5403 (USA), 5503 (Europe), 5503 (TUR), 5603 (Brasil), 5603 (USA),
Serie: 5004
5104, 5105, 5204 (IND), 5204 (Mexico),
Serie: 5005
5205, 5215, 5215F, 5215V, 5315, 5315F, 5315V, 5415 (Europe), 5415 (Mexico), 5415N, 5425 (Mexico), 5425 (USA), 5425N (Mexico), 5425N (USA), 5605, 5705,
Serie: 5010
5210, 5310 (Asia), 5310 (INDIA), 5310 (USA), 5310N (USA), 5310S, 5410 (Europe), 5410 (IND), 5410 (USA), 5410N, 5510 (Europe), 5510 (USA), 5510N (Europe), 5510N (USA), 5610 (Asia), 5610 (IND),
Serie: 5015
5515, 5515 High Crop, 5515F, 5515V, 5615 (Mexico), 5615 (TUR), 5715 (Mexico), 5715 (TUR),
Serie: 5020
5220, 5320, 5320N, 5420 (USA), 5420N (USA), 5520 (USA), 5520N (USA), 5620, 5720, 5820,
Serie: 5025
5525, 5525N, 5625 (Mexico), 5625 (USA), 5725 (MEX ), 5725N,
Serie: 6000
6400SP (Powertech) (TP054 ),
Serie: 6003
6403 (Mexico), 6403 (USA), 6603 (Mexico), 6603 (USA),
Serie: 6005
6205 (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6215 (Europe), 6215 (USA), 6225, 6325, 6405 (Brasil) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6405 (USA) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6415 (Brasil), 6415 (Mexico), 6415 (USA), 6425 (Europe), 6425 (Mexico), 6505 (6068DL050 Double thermostat ), 6515 (Double thermostat ), 6525, 6605 (Brasil) (Double thermostat ), 6605 (USA) (6068TL053 ->578920 Double thermostat ), 6615 (Brasil) (Double thermostat ), 6615 (USA) (800000->(Simple thermostat) ), 6715 (800000->(Simple thermostat) ),
Serie: 6010
6010 (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6010SE (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6110 (Europe) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6110 (USA) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6110L (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6110SE (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6210 (Europe) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6210 (USA) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6210L (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6210SE (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6310 (Europe) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6310 (USA) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6310L (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6310S (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6310SE (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6410 (Europe) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6410 (USA) (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6410L (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6410S (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6410SE (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6510 (Double thermostat ), 6510L (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6510S (double thermostat / double thermostat ), 6510SE (Double thermostat ), 6610 (Double thermostat ), 6610SE (Double thermostat ), 6810 (Double thermostat ), 6910 (Double thermostat ),
Serie: 6020
6020, 6020SE, 6120 (Europe), 6120 (USA), 6120L, 6120SE, 6220 (Europe) (=>799999 ), 6220 (USA) (=>799999 ), 6220L (=>799999 ), 6220SE (=>799999 ), 6320 (Europe) (excepté / except 4045HL472 de / to 476 ), 6320 (USA) (excepté / except 4045HL472 de / to 476 ), 6320L, 6320SE (800000-> ), 6420 (Europe) (excepté / except 4045HL472 de / to 476 ), 6420 (USA) (excepté / except 4045HL472 de / to 476 ), 6420L, 6420S (excepté / except 4045HL472 de / to 476 ), 6420SE, 6520 (-> 799999 Double thermostat(Double thermostat) ), 6520L, 6520SE (-> 799999 Double thermostat(Double thermostat) ), 6620 (->799999 (Double thermostat) ), 6620 SE (800000->(Simple thermostat) ), 6820 (->799999 (Double thermostat) ), 6920 (->799999 (Double thermostat) ), 6920S (->799999 (Double thermostat) ), 6920SE (double thermostat / double thermostat ),
Serie: 6030
6130, 6230 (Europe), 6230 (USA), 6230PR (Europe), 6230PR (USA), 6330 (Europe), 6330 (USA), 6330PR (Europe), 6330PR (USA), 6430 (Europe), 6430 (USA), 6430PR (Europe), 6430PR (USA), 6530, 6530PR, 6630, 6630PR, 6830, 6830PR, 6930, 6930PR,
Serie: 7000
7500 (001337 -> ),
Serie: 7005
7405, 7425, 7505, 7515, 7525, 7715, 7815,
Serie: 7010
7210, 7410, 7510, 7610, 7810 (Brasil),
Serie: 7020
7220 (6068TRW01 ), 7320 (6068TRW01 ), 7420 (Mexico) (6068TP057 & 058 ), 7420 (USA) (6068HRW01 & 62 ), 7520 (Mexico) (6068TP057 & 058 ), 7520 (USA) (6068HRW01 & 62 ), 7720, 7820 (Europe),
Serie: 7030
7130, 7130PR (Powertech E), 7230, 7230PR, 7330, 7430PR (Europe), 7430PR (USA), 7530PR, 7630, 7730, 7830, 7930,